Sunday, May 11, 2008

Debray-Pelot (2007)

Kingdon model (agenda formation)

ecosystem view of Washington

policies have separate lives, not tied to parties or individuals, e. g. Reagan failed to pass private school vouchers, but the idea survived 20 years in Washington until the climate was right for its emergence. Alive in the "policy stream" in think tanks, etc.

Two parallel systems: political and governmental

Supreme Court 2002 Zelman v. Simmons-Harris: Ohio's pilot program does not violate separation of church and state.

Portability vs. Supplemental Services
Portability includes allowing public tuition to flow to private institutions; dollars follow eligible recipients to wherever they go to school.
Supplemental Services is about additional education services from a list approved by the state, which may exclude public tuition dollars to private orgs.

The GOP was not able to get vouchers into NCLB, but they were able to get a measure that allows Title I money to go to private providers for supplemental services -- an unprecedented move.

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