That group of characters, over the course of three years, has done very, very little that actually benefitted any characters other than themselves. The show isn't about people with special abilities who risk and sacrifice to help people. The show seems to be about people with special abilities who bicker with each other, occasionally kill each other, and occasionally kill innocent people. Mainly they fight each other. When was the last time someone stopped a crime, or put out a forest fire, or saved a drowning person, or rescued a cat from a tree for that matter. They aren't heroes. They don't help people. As written, they don't really think about people outside of their group. Rarely, maybe once or twice a season, an innocent bystander gets saved, but it's usually incidental to the main action.
Of course, there are many other problems with the show, but this is one that has been bugging me and it's one that would be relatively easy to fix, I think. Just have them talk about the people that they just saved off screen. Just make me think that they do that in addition to arguing with each other. Give them some higher purpose than trying to save the world from each other every season.
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